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Your contributions help us put money directly into the hands of those who need it most. Every dollar makes a difference.
“You giving them [income from the pilot], you’re actually helping them survive....You wake up, first thing you got to think about is what you gonna to eat. You don’t got money for food, that’s when the crazy starts. Or you got to beg. You guys gave them the option that they don’t have to do none of those things. They actually can use their thoughts on something better, like keep looking for that job, you got food. Or you got something to give the person you stay with a little bit of money so you’ll be alright for a minute. You’re giving people help. ”
“Since [my finacée] lost her job, everything is falling on me. [The money] helps me with my car payment, rent, gas.”
“I’m not living in a shelter”
“He called me like ‘Daddy, I need some shoes for school!’ I said, ‘Alright, gimme 10 minutes. I’ll be over there.’ This is as soon as I left [from picking up my prepaid card.]”
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