4-CT is eager to experiment with innovative direct cash aid pilot programs through strategic partnerships

4-CT is reaching Connecticut residents both directly and through strategic partnerships. Together with local and national organizations, health centers, philanthropists and government officials, 4-CT is developing pilot programs to demonstrate the economic, health and social benefits of direct cash assistance or guaranteed income for targeted populations and improve systems for delivering support to Connecticut’s most vulnerable populations.

4-CT will implement pilots in two ways: (1) as a platform: pilots are designed by our partners and we serve as operational and administrative support for the direct cash assistance; (2) as a program: we co-design, implement and provide operational and administrative support for the direct cash assistance pilots.


Our Pilots

Elm City Reentry Pilot

Yale New Haven Hospital Violence Intervention Pilot

Bridgeport New Haven Health Equity Pilot

What Is Guaranteed Income?

Guaranteed income provides recurring, unrestricted, no-strings-attached cash assistance to targeted individuals for a set period of time.

4-CT’s guaranteed income programs aim to give residents in need the agency to make their own decisions and the resources to improve their lives while addressing systemic injustices.

Guaranteed income differs from universal income, which is not targeted to a specific population.