The 4-CT Card
Quarantine & Isolation Support Program
A direct cash assistance program designed to encourage quarantine of residents impacted by COVID-19.
Working closely with the State of Connecticut, 4-CT developed the Quarantine & Isolation Program to provide financial assistance to low income individuals and families asked to quarantine due to COVID-19 infection or exposure. 4-CT partnered with various community action agencies across the state to help identify individuals with financial concern that would prevent them from being able to adhere to recommended quarantine procedures. The 4-CT Card was provided dependent on the individuals needs and ability to access unemployment insurance benefits.
September 2020 – March 2021
– 330 cards and $215,800 distributed
– Over 2,000 people served in 78 zip codes
– An exit survey indicated that card recipients were successfully able to comply with 97.8% of quarantine days.
For a more in depth view of the Quarantine and Isolation Support program data, please click here for our live report.